Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wenger: first step to recovery

Arsene Wenger is pleased about yesterday win in Champions league against Dynamo Kiev.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger greeted his side's nervy but ultimately rewarding 1-0 Champions League victory over Dynamo Kiev as the first step towards recovery after a week of self-inflicted wounds at the Emirates.

Two successive Premier League defeats sandwiched public indiscretions by William Gallas that cost the experienced Frenchman the club captaincy.

After that unwanted turmoil, a winning goal by substitute Nicklas Bendtner three minutes from full-time at the Emirates Stadium was just what the doctor ordered.

It sent Wenger's side through to the knockout stages of Europe's premier club competition, but just as significantly, it heralded a new beginning.

"This is the first step for us," said Wenger.

"It was what the team needs, reassurance, and this will give us that.

"We left it late. It was more a steady than spectacular performance, but it was important to win the game."

There was some controversy about the only goal, with Dynamo Kiev's players complaining that the ball was rolling when new Arsenal skipper Cesc Fabregas hit the long pass from which Nicklas Bendtner scored.

They would have had a point if it had been a free-kick - but it was a drop-ball, and Fabregas had merely reacted fastest.

Dynamo also felt that Bendtner controlled the pass with his hand, but Wenger was having none of that.

"The referee had two decisions to make on the goal," said Kiev coach Yuri Semin.

"We can't change anything. I just have to accept it and be very calm. Tomorrow, we can discuss that."

Wenger felt differently. "It was a great goal. It is not hand-ball. Watch it on the replay. He did not take it with his arm like they complained.

"A fantastic ball first from Fabregas, good control and a fine finish.

"I'm very happy for him. He [Bendtner] was a bit disturbed recently with a lack of confidence, but that will help give him confidence."

There were no obvious signs of any residual hostility from the Arsenal fans towards Gallas, and Wenger commented: "I believe his focus was great.

"He wanted to do well and you could see he was completely committed in the game.

"Overall, I feel he did well. The crowd responded well. Somewhere, they acknowledge that he was a committed captain and I was very happy that the crowd reacted in this way to him."

But Wenger was also happy with his new young skipper, Fabregas.

"He was very good for me," he said. "Focused for 90 minutes in the game, worked hard defensively and offensively.

"It was not easy in midfield because they closed us down very well. I expected them to go up a little bit in the second half, but they didn't."

Fabregas added: "We showed we are united and the performance was superb.

"It's fantastic to learn from them [previous Arsenal captains] and maybe do things they used to do. William as well."